Saturday, January 23, 2010

With the economy so bad, shouldn't John Boehner cut back on the tanning salon?

That orange glow he has going looks creepy. You have to wonder about a man who fake-bakes...With the economy so bad, shouldn't John Boehner cut back on the tanning salon?
John Boehner should resign. He loses election after election, but because he turns a blind eye to others' earmarks [he does not take them himself] the corrupt GOP members in the House keep him on. But he is a prince compared to Obama.

Obama's plan is for social justice - not for recovery. Social justice requires that Americans live the same way and at the same standard of living as Kenyans do. As you will be aware Kenyan leaders are rich and everyone else is poor. This is only fair. It is social justice.

Further, the Obama plan was written by the brains trust at the Central Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe and it bears the seal of approval of Robert Mugabe. The pointless capitalist attacks are so passe and stupid. We do not need prosperity. Obama will abolish it and everyone will be a better person for that.

The second instalment of the Obama blueprint was provided by special adviser Pol Pot shortly before his death in Cambodia. Glorious Leader Pol Pot knows how to deal with dissent and produce a well regulated civil society. He did that with elan for the Khmer Rouge [Cambodian Communists] in the killing fields of Cambodia.With the economy so bad, shouldn't John Boehner cut back on the tanning salon?
He's hoping that between his dark skin and Steele's token presence that folks will mistakenly think the GOP is open to minorities.
You that you mention it, he does appear to be rather Yes, he should...but he probably has his own tanning bed just like must be a republican thing!
yes and women should quit plastering their faces with make-up

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